— 0419 360 282 Stay up to date with our latest work FollowFollowFollow Stay up to date with our latest work FollowFollowFollow Instagram post 18074310718523441 Another successful shoot thank you Good luck! Ba You scream ice cream Connoisseur Instagram post 18254691931249763 Painting the town red Instagram post 18441037120028459 Another day in the office with no windows Just another day in the office Good things come in small packages Mini! Paint some walls and floor they said they said it Thanks to all Thanks to all Early this year Not every thing we do has wheels Tiny house. Goes around comes around @filmsetsstu Instagram post 17900019380896304 Renault @filmsetsstudio @kic.app #filmsetsstudio What goes around comes around #filmsetsstudio #bts LOAD MORE FOLLOW From film, TVCs, corporate videos, product launches, photography, green screen — we've got you covered. v 0419 360 282 cameron.m@filmsetsstudio.com.au 88 Warrigal Road, Oakleigh3166, Victoria, Australia FollowFollowFollow Follow us on socials Contact us